Program nultog dana održat će se na engleskom jeziku.

Vrrrane in collaboration with the Zagreb Anarchist Bookfair collective are organizing a day 0 of the official bookfair as a forum to address specifically anarcha-queer topics! It will be held mostly in english.
Attempts at reenvisioning our future as a place of solidarity, mutual aid, equity and degrowth require questioning existing power structures. Addressing social inequities is at the very heart of criticizing authoritarian structures and without it, we can never enable egalitarian and equitable relationships that are key to any anarchist vision.
The patriarchy continues to contribute to the marginalization, exploitation and violent repercussions against us who do not obey the strictly defined, submissive roles surrounding the figure of the dominant cis-male. Even in our anarchist collectives and communities, these power structures are reproduced and too often go unchallenged and unquestioned. This enables violence and further subjugation/marginalization/domination and poses a direct obstacle to our visions.
Queering anarchy thus means upsetting the structures that our communities are built on. Too often we see the same old patterns being reproduced in radical anarchist circles and spaces: cis-male domination, reproduction of power and domination dynamics, modes of subjugation and exploitation, as well as a lack of care and empathy. The questions of how to radically queer anarchy have an urgent need to be addressed – and here is an attempt at creating a forum for anarcha-queers prior to the general Zagreb Anarchist Bookfair.