Bookfair 2023

The Zagreb Anarchist Bookfair was held on the 30th of September 1st of October 2023, in the premises of Pogon Jedinstvo and Club Mochvara. The bookfair consisted of a space for the distribution of anarchist literature and other propaganda materials and an interactive part of the programme – lectures, workshops and discussions. You can see the detailed programme and registered participants of the fair below. About 200 people visited the fair, and the members of the Food Not Bombs Zagreb collective helped us provide vegan meals for everyone.

Participants 2023

Acerbic Distribution (Slovenia)

Active Distribution Publisher (International)

Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (Serbia)


Antipolitika (International)

Branislav Stevanić – researcher (Serbia)

Centre for Anarchist Studies (Croatia)

Centre for Libertarian Studies (Serbia)

CIRA – Centre International de Recherches sur l’Anarchisme (Switzerland)

DAF – publishing house (Croatia)

dhpak47 – publishing and distribution (Croatia)

DIY collective (Spain)

Food Not Bombs Zagreb (Croatia)

Luka Pejić – researcher (Croatia)

MAK/ex Libleft (Croatia)

Martin Beroš – Slobodni filozofski (Croatia)

MASA – Network of Anarcho-Syndicalists (Croatia)

Što čitaš? – second hand bookshop and publisher (Croatia)

Programme 2023

Preparations for the fair

In the period before the fair, we organized a screen printing workshop to print some of the merch. We also organized two benefit events – an action of cooking and sharing vegan food and a colorful cabaret with vegan food and a program consisting of circus skills, Latin American dances and music, and aerial performances. Many thanks to the collective Food Not Bombs Zagreb, squat Postaja and talented artists and volunteers who helped us every step of the way!

Screen printing workshop

Food Not Bombs action

Postaja cabaret
